Kiam Marcelo Junio Kiam Marcelo Junio

When I Grow Up: Ease Perfectionist Anxieties and Embrace Growth with Your Inner Child

Part of the problem with being an adult is that we begin to think that we’re done growing, that we are now the “grown-up” that we used to imagine we would be. Do you remember being a child and imagining what your life would be like at the age you are now? This can sometimes feel very sobering. Perhaps you’ve achieved a lot of the things you dreamed you would. Perhaps you haven’t yet. Likely the reality is somewhere in between.

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Kiam Marcelo Junio Kiam Marcelo Junio

Through the Eyes of Your Inner Child: New Perspectives and Possibilities

Life is a constant journey of growth and evolution, a fact beautifully exemplified by the remarkable development of children's minds. As we watch them navigate the world around them, we are reminded of the profound process of learning and adaptation that shapes us all. Their curious eyes, open hearts, and unquenchable thirst for knowledge reflect the essence of growth in its purest form.

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Kiam Marcelo Junio Kiam Marcelo Junio

Nurturing Your Inner Child: Playful Boundary-Setting for Personal Growth

As adults, we often relish the freedom to make our own choices without parental guidance. However, deep down, there is a part of us that craves structure and longs for the safety it provides.

Healing our inner child involves assuming the role of a responsible and loving parent, setting and enforcing boundaries in a kind, firm, and nurturing manner.

By embarking on this transformative journey, we unlock our energy and imagination, enabling us to fully experience life and make positive changes in the world.

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Kiam Marcelo Junio Kiam Marcelo Junio

Allowing Yourself to Bloom: Authenticity and Inner Child Healing

Healing your inner child is a transformative journey that can bring about deep emotional growth and self-discovery. It involves acknowledging and addressing the wounds, traumas, and unmet needs from your past, allowing yourself to heal and grow into a more fulfilled and authentic version of yourself. To embark on this healing journey, it is essential to provide yourself with the nurturing, love, and support you may have missed during your formative years.

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Kiam Marcelo Junio Kiam Marcelo Junio

I lost my job and found my focus

Lately, I've been reflecting on the ways we engage within Capitalism.

Most of us were born into this system, unable to detach ourselves and opt out of participating in its often exploitative practices. Yes, we have the option to run away in the woods, and create self-sustaining homes and communities - but only if and when we have enough resources to do so! For most people, this is simply not realistic!

There's nothing wrong with you (or me, or us) for being born into this system.

Capitalism is the condition and context that was handed to us.

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Kiam Marcelo Junio Kiam Marcelo Junio

3 Steps to exit a Negative Spiral⁣

We all experience moments in life when negativity takes over our thoughts and emotions.

Whether it's due to personal setbacks, external circumstances, or just a general sense of dissatisfaction, a negative mindset can be incredibly draining and detrimental to our overall well-being.

However, with a conscious effort and some effective strategies, it is possible to break free from this cycle and cultivate a more positive outlook. In this article, we will explore practical steps to help you get out of a negative mindset and regain control of your thoughts and emotions.

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Kiam Marcelo Junio Kiam Marcelo Junio

How to start a new habit (and keep it going)

Explore the incredible capacity of human beings to dream, think innovatively, and embrace new ways of doing things. Learn how to turn your big goals into actionable steps, overcome self-betrayal, and build self-trust to achieve lasting success.

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Kiam Marcelo Junio Kiam Marcelo Junio

New Year, New Mindset

Take a deep breath and get ready to dive into a mindfulness practice that will help you reflect on the past year, ground yourself in the present, and set the stage for a fulfilling year ahead. In this article, we will explore a step-by-step guide to tapping into your intentions for the new year

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